Canton, Ohio
Canton (On the Highway since 1913) Pop: 80,600 Stark County seat.
From its agricultural beginnings in 1805, Canton soon took advantage of the Miami and Erie Canal System, and later became a major industrial center, with Timken Roller Bearings and the Hoover Company (electric sweepers) as some of the most well known.
Now a culturally rich community with five arts organizations, this city is leading the way in supporting the education, history and tourism of the Lincoln Highway which once ran through Tuscarawas Street and downtown.
A Lincoln Highway concrete post replica sits at the Court House.
While here certainly visit the Pro Football Hall of Fame Pro Football Hall of Fame, 2121 George Halas Drive NW, Canton (330) 456-8207. 364 days a year, Memorial Day through Labor Day, 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Remainder of the Year, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Canton is home to the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
The National First Ladies Library, a restored Second Empire home in the center of town, just one of many elegant homes to see. 331 S. Market Avenue, Canton, (330) 452-0876. Tours Tuesday - Saturday at 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.
The National First Ladies Library is downtown.
Three Frank Lloyd Wright homes, all private residences.
The Canton Classic Car Museum helps people of all ages understand automotive history, and is housed in a 1915 showroom of a Ford-Lincoln dealership. 555 Market Avenue South. (330) 455-3603. 7 days 10 am-5 pm, year round
The McKinley Presidential Library and Monument. Interprets the history of Stark County, including that of its favorite citizen, 25th President of the United States, William McKinley. 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Monday-Saturday, 12:00 to 5:00p.m. Sunday. Closing extended to 6:00p.m. from mid-June to mid-August. 800 McKinley Monument Drive NW (330) 455-7043.
Canton was home of, and final resting place to the 25th President of the United States, William McKinley.
The Cultural Center for the Arts. 1001 Market Ave North, (330) 452-4096. Canton Ballet, Canton Museum of Art, Canton Symphony, Players Guild, Canton Civic Opera.
The MAPS Air Museum Military aircraft. 2260 International Parkway, North Canton (330) 896-6332
McKinley Grand Hotel downtown. (877) 454-5008
The Cuyahoga Scenic Railway excursion train connects at the Lincoln Highway (West Tuscarawas) and runs north through Peninsula, Hale Farm & Village on excursions into the Cleveland Metroparks. Seasonal.
Lincoln Highway Trading Post, 425 Schroyer SW, 330-456-8319 is the official supplier of Lincoln Highway merchandise and memorabilia.
Check out Canton's website: or call 1-800-533-4302 for a free visitors guide.
Canton has spent millions to refurbish downtown.
The Landmark, built in 1820 is Canton's oldest commercial building. Corner of West Tuscarawas (Lincoln Highway) and Cherry Street.
Canton was known as the brick capital of the world . . .
. . . . in the days of Lincoln Highway, and consequentially, much of eastern Ohio was paved in brick despite the Association's desire to pave primarily in cement. When manufacturers of other paving products complained that the Association was pushing cement over their products, the Association asked the manufactures to donate a free section of road before or after a cement section (which had also been donated). These manufactures refused.
Photo by Lincoln Highway Collection, Transportation History Collection, Special Collections Library, University of Michigan.